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German noun synonyms

As soon as you have managed basic level of German and are able to communicate in different situations, you start to face a new challenge: synonyms. Synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly the same. Synonyms are also words of the same or similar meaning and that is why they are so often confused.

Why is the familiarity with synonyms so important?

Firstly, you avoid using the same words repeatedly, secondly words have not always the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language. Moreover, sometimes a little inaccuracy may cause a big misunderstanding.

German noun synonyms image

List of German noun synonyms

We made for you following list of german noun synonymsthat are often confused. They are much more different noun synonyms than these of course, but these are the most frequented and important at all. Moreover, most of them belong to the necessary vocabulary for German certificate B1 Zertifikat Deutsch.

The most frequented and important German noun synonyms:

das Treffen x die Begegnung

die Mauer x die Wand

der Bewohner x der Einwohner

das Haus x die Heimat

das Blatt x die Zeitung

der Boden x die Erde

der See x das Meer

die Leute x die Menschen

die Reise x die Fahrt

die Arbeit x das Werk

das Ufer x die Küste

der Arzt x der Doktor

die Ecke x der Winkel

der Fluss x der Strom

der Feind x der Gegner

der Feiertag x der Festtag

die Gasse x die Straße

das Geschäft x der Laden

der Ort x der Platz x die Stelle

der Berg x das Gebirge

der Käfer x das Insekt

das Geschenk x die Spende

die Spitze x der Gipfel

die Fahne x die Flagge

das Gelenk x der Knöchel

das Guthaben x der Kredit

der Haupt x der Kopf

der Stift x der Bleistift

das Gewehr x die Waffe

die Etage x der Stock x das Geschoss

die Erzählung x die Geschichte

das Ziel x der Zweck

die Kohle x das Geld

das Feuer x der Brand

die Erfahrung x das Erlebnis

der Erfinder x der Entdecker

der Abstand x die Entfernung

das Netz x das Internet

der Beifahrer x der Mitfahrer

die Festung x die Burg

der Eingang x die Einfahrt

die Weide x die Wiese

das Mädchen x die Frau

der Freund x der Partner

die Werkstatt x der Workshop

das Restaurant x die Gaststätte

das Gesetz x das Recht

die Haltestelle x die Station

die Haut x das Leder

der Herd x der Ofen

der Raum x das Zimmer

der Gedanke x die Idee

das Schiff x das Boot

die Panne x der Unfall

die Zahl x die Nummer

das Swimming-Pool x das Schwimmbad

How to learn differences between German synonyms?

Although they are officially synonymous, there are still differences between them, often very considerable. Therefore, it is crucial to know what each word means. For example, "die Panne" means a small puncture while "der Unfall" means a large and serious accident. For example, if you report this to the police on the phone, it is a diametric difference.

Our textbook (e-book) with all these clearly explained synonyms

If you want clear and easy explanation of all of them in one place, check out our book German noun synonyms - leicht gemacht! It is a modern e-book of German noun synonyms with illustrative pictures. Big benefit of the book is, that almost all selected synonyms belongs to essential vocabulary for the German certificate B1 „Zertifikat Deutsch“. It is easy, no-stress, effective way to understand and learn most frequent German noun synonyms.

German noun synonyms

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